
Tips and Tricks

An overview of the new Resource Center by Eric Sindelar.

Re-activating a User

If a user gets locked out of the system (occurs after 5 failed login attempts) please follow these instructions to re-activate their account.

Creating and Linking to Files

Downloading Files

Editing Files and Removing Password Protection

Create a User

IMPORTANT: When adding a new user in FileRun, please use an email address for both the username and email. Additionally, please always check the box for "Notifications." This will ensure they can do a password reset without having to contact you.

Additionally, the system is not designed to email the new user their credentials. It's best that the email comes directly from you. Please DO NOT check the box for "Send a notification now." See screenshot:

Email template for new users

This is the email template I'd like to standardize when informing a Resource Center user of their new account. I've been sending these email via Outlook as the system does not have a robust messaging system for new users. Note: Please replace anything with the brackets with their user details created within FileRun.


Hamilton Resource Center Account


Please use the following details to log in to the Hamilton Resource Center:

Email Address/Username: [the user's email]
Temporary Password: [the user's temporary password] (you will be asked to change this upon login)

Important: Please make note of your new password once you have changed it. To reset your password in the future, please visit:

Setting permissions

Coupled with creating a new user is setting their permissions.

Disable or delete a user

Disabling is encourage over deleting a user. Learn more.

Password Reset

Always encourage the user to use the password reset link located here:

However, if you need to manually reset the user's password follow these instructions.